ghulana milana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest घुलना मिलना ghulana milana news and headlines :
1. उन्होंने राहुल को नसीहत दी कि सियासी परिपक्वता के लिए उन्हें अपने नाना और दादी की तरह जनता में घुलना मिलना चाहिए jagran.com2. वर्कप्लेस हो या सोशल सर्कल, ज्यादा टैलेंट कै बावजूद सांवले रंग की वजह से कई बार लोग उतना घुलना मिलना नहीं चाहते 1. 2 A business in which mingle the two psychic facts which dominate in childhood, sensations and movements, that's the game 2. Blacks and whites could speak equally and mingle within the same formation - which would have seemed unthinkable twelve years before 3. Documentaries or educational applications in particular, not to mention the automatic translation of language tests, mingle in their experimentation, physiology, psychology, social psychology 4. For active migration, gonocytes earn genital eminence and mingle with elements of sex cord in the seventh week of embryonic life (stage 15 mm) 5. Genre Painting From the late twelfth century, the e-makimono mingle with representations of aristocratic life of the most popular scenes, which the court showed curious

Given are the examples of hindi word ghulana milana usage in english sentences. The examples of ghulana milana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mingle.